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Relevvo’s New Functionality: Supercharging Account Research for Sellers and ABM Marketers

The Big A-Ha

Traditional account research methods are time-consuming and often yield incomplete insights. Relevvo’s new AI Agent revolutionizes this process by automatically generating comprehensive account research summaries.

Why It Matters

This game-changing functionality empowers sellers and ABM marketers with deeper, more actionable account intelligence, dramatically improving personalization, engagement rates, and ultimately, conversion success.

Go Deeper: Transforming Account Research

Are you still spending hours manually gathering account information from disparate sources?

That’s like trying to build a detailed city map by walking every street yourself. Sure, you’ll get there eventually, but at what cost to your time and effectiveness?

Consider this: traditional research might tell you a company’s size, industry, and basic tech stack. But does it reveal their strategic initiatives for the next quarter? Does it uncover the specific pain points their C-suite is grappling with right now? Does it highlight the exact language they use to describe their challenges?

Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Missing this critical intelligence means your outreach is less targeted, less relevant, and ultimately less effective.

A Better Way: Revolutionizing ABM Content Creation

When you rely on fragmented, surface-level account information, you’re missing the full picture. It’s like trying to understand a person’s life story from just their LinkedIn profile. A company might be in your target market, but without understanding their current challenges, strategic focuses, and the language they use to describe their needs, your messaging can easily fall flat.

Relevvo’s new AI Agent changes the game. By leveraging a combination of advanced ML and Gen AI, it scours vast amounts of data from multiple sources – company websites, press releases, SEC filings, social media, industry news, and more. The result? A detailed, up-to-date account summary that goes beyond basic firmographics to provide:

1. Current strategic initiatives and priorities

2. Specific pain points and challenges

3. Recent company news and developments

4. Key decision-makers and their focus areas

5. The exact language and terminology the company uses

Armed with this intelligence, sellers and ABM marketers can craft hyper-personalized outreach that resonates deeply with prospects. It’s like having an insider’s view into each account, allowing you to speak their language and address their most pressing concerns.

The implications are clear: higher engagement rates, shorter sales cycles, and improved win rates. 

In a world where cutting through the noise is more challenging than ever, this level of insight is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity.

Put Relevvo to Work

It’s time to elevate our approach to account research. Relevvo’s new AI agent doesn’t just save time; it provides the depth of insight needed to truly connect with prospects and drive conversions. Because in the world of B2B sales and marketing, surface-level knowledge is no longer enough. It’s time to dive deep.

But don’t just take our word for it, I invite you to experience the future of account research at scale. Drop me a note at aashish at relevvo dot com to try this for your own ABM efforts. I look forward to hearing from you!

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